Josh Costello Autumn Term Head Boy
As I progress through my final year at Moulsford I reflect on how rewarding, challenging and most importantly enjoyable my time at the school has been. I have thoroughly relished every aspect of Moulsford life. The academic lessons have pushed me every step of the way. I appreciate how well I’ve been taught valuable skills and techniques that have prepared me to write essays on the Cold War or Black Lives Matter, something I couldn’t have considered four years ago. I have particularly loved art lessons including mosaics, ceramics, still life and ink printing. If you like performing then the drama lessons, orchestra, choir and pop choir prepare you to enjoy school plays, concerts and musical soirées.
Sport at Moulsford has always been a big part of my life. The school does three main sports: rugby, football and cricket, with hockey available in the Spring term, as well as tennis and athletics in the Summer term. These sports help build teamwork and communication skills, but most importantly they are incredible fun. Over the years my abilities have developed and I always look forward to getting outside to our glorious playing fields during the afternoon.
Like all schools Moulsford had to adapt to online learning because of Covid 19. The school was very quick to adjust the timetable, we all had our school ipads and google meets were created for every lesson. There were also sporting and fun challenges to do at home. Since I am an only child I got quite lonely, so these google meets particularly helped me socialise with my friends. The school was very supportive of what different pupils were experiencing.
Going into my last year at Moulsford is a big step forward in my life. During my stay here I have felt welcome and involved every day. The school is a safe place to try new things and get things wrong along the way. Whilst success is rightly celebrated across the whole spectrum of school life, mistakes are also supported and seen as an opportunity to grow.
All in all Moulsford has changed my life, I have grown stronger mentally and academically. My confidence has grown immensely thanks to the support and understanding of the wonderful teachers and staff. Moulsford has been my home away from home and I truly believe some of the friendships I have made here will last a lifetime.