Spotlight on...the Head Boy
Head Boy

Jacob A - Autumn Term 2024

Moulsford has been a part of my life for 9 years, ever since I joined Reception - Bobcats, as it was known - back in 2016. You don’t know how thankful I am for every aspect of this school and the community as a whole. My time at Moulsford has created memorable moments, given me so many opportunities and helped myself and many others as we have progressed through the years. Not only was I warmly welcomed by all the staff, shown around by older pupils and encouraged to try new things, I also gained an immediate sense that this would be my home for a very long time. Even so, it is crazy to think that after nine years full of great experiences and great people, I would be here today as Head Boy.

The school is exceptional in countless ways, and I am most grateful to Moulsford for its academic support and curriculum. Whenever I have stepped into a classroom, be it English, Maths, Science or any of the wide variety of subjects the school offers, I have stepped in ready to embrace the lesson and to try my hardest. I feel I’ve grown in an environment where it isn’t wrong to ask questions, and this is further consolidated by one of Moulsford’s core values; curiosity. Being interested in the world around me is definitely something I’ve learnt, especially in my final two years, where current affairs have become more relevant to me. I believe that education can be presented in many different forms, and Moulsford incorporates that into its syllabus excellently. I will never forget any of the wonderful academic teachers who have always worked hard to ensure that we gain an education that stays with us as we go through life.

I love participating in sports, and when I discovered the range of sporting activities that the school presents, I knew there would be something out there for me; from the football pitch to the swimming pool, not to mention my newfound passion for darts during boarding. Moulsford sport is something that I certainly have gained a lot from. This not only includes learning and improving in sports (rugby isn’t too bad after all), but the values that accompany them. I thoroughly enjoy being part of a team and playing in an atmosphere where everyone is trying to improve, and the amazing sports staff have absolutely made that possible.

Soon, I will be leaving Moulsford and entering the realms of senior school. But when I look back on my time here, it’s the theatre that will undoubtedly come to mind. I hold vague memories of my first appearance as an angel in the Pre-Prep nativity, and more vivid ones, such as playing Peter in the Year 7 Production of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. I certainly relive such occasions in my mind, and I cannot wait to enjoy the thrill of performing again. I owe a lot to the drama and music departments, as they have improved my confidence, taught me to play piano and opened up new opportunities outside of Moulsford.

Nine years have flown by and to be writing these words as Head Boy of Moulsford feels unbelievable. The level of gratitude I have for the school is immeasurable, and although saying goodbye to everything may be slightly sentimental, it really shows how far I’ve come.

So, to Moulsford as a school, and Moulsford as a home, thank you.

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