High Performance Lunchtimes
Talks and Assemblies Extra Curricular

Season 2 concludes

We have welcomed some fantastic guests to the High Performance Lunchtime Series this half term. Earlier this month we met Rear Admiral James Parkin. Amongst many things, he talked about the importance of courage and integrity as his non-negotiables. His advice to his teenage self about being true to himself was great advice for the boys to hear.

We concluded Season 2 of the series with talks from Kirsty Gray and Neal Bromley. Both Kirsty and Neal changed careers half way through their lives and looked to follow their passions. It was great to hear about this as well as more about genealogy and the world of adventure cycling. We have enjoyed hosting the talks through zoom as it has enabled the wider school community to join us.

We are always looking for new speakers so if you have any ideas or contacts then please email Henry Weeks on [email protected].

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