Summer Concert 2021

A night to remember

Against all the odds, the 2021 Summer Concert went ahead and was a huge success! Already up against it with all the Covid restrictions, preparing for the concert had been an uphill battle since returning to school for the summer term. However, at the eleventh hour, preparations took a further blow by all Year 7 boys being asked to self-isolate. Without the input of the huge number of talented boys in Year 7, it seemed all but impossible to proceed.

However, in true Moulsford style, the Year 6 and 8 boys stepped up and pulled it out of the bag! Though volume may have decreased, the talent was still very much in evidence throughout the concert. As we had several gaps in the programme without Year 7, Billy and Zeb of Year 6, gave wonderful solo vocal performances, at very short notice. The Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, String Ensemble, Senior Choir, Pop Choir and Junior Choir (consisting of the whole of Year 3 and 4) gave memorable performances. As did our soloists Sam, of Year 6, on his clarinet, along with three Year 8 leavers, Charlie (Trumpet), Max (Piano) and Zach (Treble Recorder). As we could only have a very limited live audience present in the Marquee, the event was live streamed on YouTube, to great acclaim!

The evening certainly proved to be one to remember, and can still be viewed on YouTube here, so please do enjoy the concert at your leisure!

Mr Bissell

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