ABRSM Results

29 Boys Passed Recent Exams

Despite most music lessons taking place virtually for the majority of the year, we were delighted to end 2020 with 29 boys taking music exams in December. Held across a full day at Moulsford at the end of term, the exams were the first to be held face to face for a year.  The boys took exams ranging in level from Grade 1 to Grade 5 across the Clarinet, Classical Singing, Violin, Cello and Piano, with some boys even taking two exams.  This was also the first time we had boys taking ABRSM ‘Singing for Musical Theatre’. All of the boys passed with 14 merits and 3 distinction passes.

Well done to all of the boys; your talent and hard work have been rewarded with the results you deserve. It has been a real boost to the Music department. Thank you also to our music teachers who have prepared them so well despite difficult circumstances.

Congratulations to everyone, and we will present certificates asap.

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