Fun with Nature
Understandably Activities Week has looked very different this year. However it has still been a welcome change to the normal school timetable and has given the boys, whether at home or in school, the opportunity to experience different opportunities and learn different skills.
For a number of year groups the theme has been based around nature and the boys have had the opportunity to try a number of new things.
In the Pre-Prep, the boys started the week with a Birds of Prey display and they have used this as inspiration for much of their work. They have also made binoculars, sculpted owls out of clay and done lots of independent writing.
Year 3 boys were challenged with getting out into their gardens and capturing an image which they thought was special. The photos that they produced were fantastic. There were pets, insects, flowers and even chickens, as well as some beautiful landscapes! The boys also planned and created some amazing bug hotels out of recycling. The designs that they created were creative, original and will hopefully attract some extra wildlife into their gardens.
The boys in Year 4 have engaged really well with ‘Virtual Activities Week’. This is what we have come to expect from our wonderful boys, who have ended the term with enthusiasm, creativity and a huge amount of energy. Our theme this week has been ‘British Wildlife’ and the boys have completed bee surveys, made bird feeders and bug hotels, designed fact-filled board games, taken part in scavenger hunts, baked wildlife themed goodies as well as taking part in Sports Day and enjoying being together again.
Year 5 Activities Week has been based around Nature. The boys have been creating menus from root vegetables, been on bug hunts, done photography challenges, researched Red Kites and made their own kites, as well as finishing the week making Positivity Stones and placing them around the local neighborhood.
Year 6 activities have included a 'Safari Survival' morning, mapping endangered species around the world and building fires to cook Damper Bread. Being in school, the boys have also been lucky enough to go on the river in their 'bubbles' to experience their very own River Safari.
Year 7 had a week based around Careers. They had some fantastic speakers such as Alastair Eykyn from BT Sport and Frank Savage from Harley Davidson. The boys completed activities such as designing their own Harley Davidson and real life commentaries on events around the house.
Year 8 have been taking part in some collaborative art, pairs cricket, personal training, fractals Friday, kayaking, laser tag, rounders, TED talks, foot golf, cards, letter writing and forest school. Most of all, it has been really enjoyable to see them all have the opportunity to be back in school for their final days at Moulsford.
A big thank you should go to the parents too who have helped to gather resources and been so supportive. We’ve really appreciated it.