Singing Stars
Music Virtual Moulsford

Moulsford Song a Week Challenge

Over the Easter holiday, Kit H-N from Year 8, and this term’s Head Chorister, took to twitter to bring us some musical joy during lockdown.  Kit decided to post a video a week of him singing as part of a ‘Moulsford Song a Week Challenge’.  He started with ‘To Make You Feel My Love’ by Adele and then treated us to some classic Elton John in Week 2.  Week 3 saw him singing Lewis Capaldi and this week he has sung ‘Shallow’ from the film ‘A Star is Born’.  It has really lifted our spirits and if you haven’t seen them yet then they are all on our twitter feed.

Archie D-P in Year 6 also got involved and posted a video of himself singing the song ‘Waiting’ which he had also composed.  It was a song all about lockdown and missing his friends and was a poignant way to take on the challenge.

Bertie W, also in Year 6, then used the Acapella app to record himself singing Adiemus, which was the song the Senior Choir have been practising this year.

Then this week Billy V in Year 5 has sung ‘Always Remember Us This Way’, also from the film ‘A Star is Born’.  It is lovely to have some gorgeous singing to cheer us up, especially now that the sunshine has disappeared!

Mrs Lunnon has been continuing to run Pop Choir during Virtual Moulsford and rumour has it that they might also be gearing up for a special performance in the future!

If anyone would like to join the ‘Moulsford Song a Week Challenge’ simply post your videos on twitter or send them to [email protected]

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