Celebration Assembly
Talks and Assemblies Academic

A focus on Maths, English and DT

On Wednesday, Mrs Squire held the first Celebration Assembly of the term to highlight the positives from the academic week and to encourage all boys to aspire to do the best work they can.  Many congratulations to all those who deserved a special mention this week.

  • Year 5, 6 and 8 for their work drawing eyes in Art
  • Year 4 for their work measuring angles
  • The Languages Star of the Week was Freddie R in Year 8
  • Monty, Archie and James from 6W were celebrated for their RS video assessment
  • 3S have been working hard in Maths with Tom, Arthur and Freddie completing extension work
  • Arthur and Freddie W from 3N for their work on explanation texts
  • Year 3 Christmas holiday book reviews
  • Oli S in 8G wrote a fantastic persuasive essay in English
  • In DT there was some amazing work from Year 4 who have produced co-ordination games, Year 5 have made board games and Year 6 have produced money boxes.  DT Scholars Justin S and Oscar N, were also celebrated.

Many congratulations to all those who received mentions in this Celebration Assembly.  We look forward to seeing more outstanding work as the term goes on.

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