Anti-Bullying Week
Whole School Talks and Assemblies

Change Starts with Us

The theme for this year’s Anti-Bullying Week was 'Change Starts with Us' and the message from the Anti-Bullying Alliance was:

Change Starts With Us, it starts with the people we trust.

Change Starts With Us, Them, and You.

It's up to all of us to see it through.

At Moulsford we kickstarted Anti-Bullying Week with a visit from Soren Bennick Productions who held two performances, one for boys in Reception to Year 3 and one for Years 4 to 6.  The two-person cast performed The Power of One, a series of skits based around what bullying is, what can be done about it and how every child has the power to report and deal with bullying when they see it.  Their message was “I will not bully others, I will not stand by while others are bullied. I will report and deal with bullying whenever I see it….because I have THE POWER OF ONE”.  The team also left behind their ‘Bully Prevention Oath’ which every boy from years 1 to 6 will be signing.

On Monday we held Odd Socks Day to represent how everyone is different.  The playground was full of colour and the boys took on board the message about being unique.  During the Pre-Prep Assembly taken by Mr Hamilton-Smith, the boys heard the anti-bullying song from Andy and the Odd Socks (of CBeebies fame!)

The Headmaster focused his Assembly for the Prep School on the same message and reminded the boys who they can speak to if they have any issues or concerns.  The Worries and Wishes Box has been reintroduced for boys to anonymously raise any anxieties or worries that they might have.  This has been placed outside the Deputy Head’s Office.

Every class this week has focused on Anti-Bullying in their form periods and LFL sessions, and the Librarian Mrs Hibbert is in the process of ordering some more books about self-esteem and happiness for the Library.

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