Trial Boarding Week

A great insight into boarding life

Eleven boys have sampled trial boarding this week, staying with us on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. All of the boys adapted seamlessly, and quickly engaged with all that is on offer in the boarding house.

Activities across the two nights included much enjoyed torch games and a highly entertaining dodgeball tournament. The boys gained a clear picture of what the boarding routine looks and feels like, with supported extra prep sessions, music practice, a range of wonderful suppers and breakfasts, some much-needed down time and, crucially, the interaction and camaraderie which are so central to boarding culture.

Much fun was had by boys and the staff alike and we look forward to seeing some of these boys in the house more regularly in the future. There remain places to board on a Wednesday and Thursday – if this is of interest, or if you have any further questions about Moulsford boarding, please contact Mr Noble at [email protected].

Students experiencing trial boarding, staying overnight and engaging in the boarding school environment to enrich their school experience

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