Assemblies celebrating a variety of achievements

Charities, academic work, declamations, gymnastics and much more!

Assemblies give us an opportunity to gather as a whole community to share in the success of all aspects of school life.

On Tuesday, the Headmaster’s Assembly was in the Sports Hall, surrounded by the Arts Week Exhibition and he spoke about the theme being the centenary of the First World War and how important it is to commemorate this turning point in history as the anniversary of the Armistice approaches. 

On Wednesday we had a combined Charities and Celebration Assembly.  Mme Lancaster thanked all the boys who had taken part in the Moulsford Mudder and the Paddle Board Workshop and particularly praised George M, Harry S, Danny and Andrew T who had provided delicious refreshments on the day.  Mr Sage thanked Archie B in Year 5 who recently raised a whopping £14,800 for last year’s school charity, The Hearing Dogs.  Over the summer break, Archie had a clear out of his room and decided to donate some toys to charity.  He realised he had a toy tiger that appeared on a ‘Belle and Sebastian’ record cover some years ago, so decided to contact the band to see if they wanted to auction it for the school’s then charity, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.  Bands being bands, they didn’t get round to auctioning it until last week when it raised a whopping £14,800.00 for the charity.

A toy striped tiger

Mrs Squire celebrated various pieces of work and good efforts that have been highlighted to her by various staff recently.  Miles G and William J in 3S recently persevered with a tricky maths bridging question; Edward G and Miles R (Year 3) were praised for ‘most words learned in reading and spelling’ and ‘most time spent learning’ respectively in Nessy Club – the online progress reports for English.  Bobcats have been busy making obstacle courses and Eddison’s teacher particularly liked the way he made sure his obstacle course was safe for others to use; Sam has been busy in maths this week making patterns, number lines and working hard with all we have done. Well done Sam and Eddison! 

Ben PP in Year 4 then told us the story of how he found a WW1 detonator cap with his friend Lorenzo ND during the school holidays – a very apt story during our Arts Week celebration of the centenary of the Armistice. 

In MFL Tom, Harry, Ollie and Sam in Year 8 have been getting competitive in Spanish, 5O have been doing some fantastic extended writing in French, and well done to Arthur B, Oli S and Lachlan A for winning the European Day of Languages quiz.  Year 8 have made some impressive coordination mazes in DT using the 3D printer and Arion T completed some complicated BIDMAS calculations in Maths.

On Thursday the whole school was treated to a wonderful gymnastics display to ‘One Moment in Time’ which had been performed in the musical soirée, where the boys demonstrated great agility and team work.  Mr Springer gave out ‘Lion Heart Awards’ to three boys for their ‘Endeavour, Enjoyment, Resilience, Teamwork and Humility’ during the fixtures on Wednesday.  Three Year 8 boys presented their Declamations:  Hector H chose ‘Lucid Dreams’ by Juice WRLD because “I thought it was good and I could make it a good performance”; Henry C chose ‘Tea and Toast’ by Lucy Spraggan because “it’s about love, but  also about the continuation of love in a family throughout generations” and Oscar S chose ‘Less, Much Less’ by Monezea because “I loved the rhythm of it and the meaning”.  

Three Moulsford students in red uniforms

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