3D Printing Workshop
Parents Association

Year 8 learn about 3D printing

Year 8 boys, after a hard week of mock exams, took part in a 3D printing workshop today, run by a company called 'go3Dprint'. The boys were shown many amazing examples of designs printed in ABS, resin and even paper. The impacts of 3D printing were explained to them and the many places that it is being used today; from printing body parts, to emergency housing in disaster areas to space stations on the moon made completely out of moon dust! Quite incredible! The boys then spent an hour or so exploring Tinkercad, a web based software that allows you to create your own designs as well as adapt other peoples. Everyone designed and had a key ring printed as well as designing other more ambitious pieces that will be keeping our own 3D printer in business over the next couple of weeks! A great day and a great introduction for the boys. Hopefully they will continue to 'tinker' whenever they get a chance.

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