Reflections from the Head of Pre-Prep 06/09/24

A positive first week

It has been an absolute delight to spend my first week in Pre-Prep. The children have been extremely busy, have settled into new routines and are learning well: we are already introducing new ideas and challenging them to think hard for themselves.

Our focus has been on kindness – one of Moulsford’s core values - and the children have been awarded house points for helping others learn, for listening actively, for sharing and encouraging others by smiling or with positive words.

We have two introductory meetings for Pre-Prep parents next week:

Monday 9th Sept 2:45 - 3:30pm: Year 1 and Year 2

Thursday 12th Sept 2:45- - 3:30pm: EYFS  (Pre-School & Reception)

We really hope you can come and will send you a summary of the meetings for those who were not able to attend.
All the children are tired and we would be inordinately grateful if they could have moments of quiet over the weekend and an early night on Sunday so that they are ready to learn again. Many thanks for your support.

Best wishes

Sally Russell

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