Stowe School Art Day

Prep School Art Festival

On Wednesday we took three Year 7 boys, Leo M-M, Harry P and Charlie N to Stowe School’s annual Prep Art Festival. We spent the day in the school’s awe-inspiring Art department creating a range of work and discovering what studying Art at senior school is like. We started off by creating a large, collaborative ‘under the sea’ inspired canvas, creating stencils with acetate and spray painting a variety of sea creatures and plants. The boys were also lucky enough to have a spin on the VR headset and add their own fish to a virtual fish tank. After lunch we enjoyed learning about the etching process and produced some wonderfully detailed prints of fish. The final workshop was about how to use recycled materials to create exciting and colourful deep sea creatures which we hung from a wire frame.  The boys had a fantastic day and worked with enthusiasm!

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