Five Moulsford Artists on Display
We are delighted that we have five artists selected to have their artwork exhibited at The Ashmolean Museum as part of Young Art Oxford 2024. Congratulations to Ptolemy J in Year 1, William F in Year 4, Harry S in Year 5, Edward Y in Year 6 and Ilia P in Year 7. Ilia’s work has also been ‘Highly Commended’.
Young Art Oxford is an annual art competition and exhibition open to all Oxfordshire schools for children from Reception to Year 9. The theme this year was ‘My Future World’ and the children produced some fantastic and imaginative artwork, under the guidance of Mrs Cummings.
The competition is a wonderful opportunity for young aspiring artists to have their work judged by well-known professionals and artists and to exhibit at the prestigious Ashmolean Museum. It was an extremely tight competition this year as they had nearly 2,500 entries so it is a huge achievement to be selected. Well done to everyone who submitted an entry and we look forward to seeing the selected pieces at the exhibition in May.