Head's Blog: Events and Trips
Head's Blog

What a week. It has been action-packed with so many different events taking place. Following the double Sports Day, the Parents Association (PA) hosted the wonderful ‘Sounds of the Sixties’ Summer Party on Saturday, with 380 guests attending. It was such a fun and memorable evening and our collective enormous thanks to Sarah Edwards and her team for making it such a success.

This week all the boys have been ‘off timetable’, with Years 5 – 8 away on residential activities trips. Year 8 have been in Devon; Year 7 in France; Year 6 in Worcestershire; and Year 5 in Brecon. These trips are invaluable in developing many different key life skills such as teamwork, tenacity, flexibility and resilience, and are an integral part of a Moulsford education. Mr and Mrs Noble were also delighted to welcome all the Year 4 boys to the boarding house for a trial taster night on Monday and Tuesday. After the isolation of the Covid years, it is super to be able to give the boys the opportunity for a sleepover. For a number of them, this was their first experience of a night away.

It’s also been a very exciting time for all the boys in Year 4 and below. The theme for the week has been the Jubilee with highlights including the Pre-Prep’s trip to Windsor Castle, survival skills and boating for Years 3 and 4 at the Oxford Boat Adventure, Year 2’s first trip on the river, and a flying visit from the RAF who landed a Puma in the grounds.

On Tuesday Moulsford was the venue for The Summer Lunch, which was enjoyed by 273 ladies, Will Cuthbert (a brave Dad and valued committee member) and me. Well done to Anna-Rose Anness and the committee for a wonderful event, which raised very important funds for Young Lives vs Cancer, and Child Bereavement UK. Following an excellent lunch we enjoyed a fascinating ‘fireside chat’ with Laura Wood interviewing Jo Tutchener-Sharp, founder of the fashion brand, Scamp and Dude. I was so pleased to take a table and support the lunch and hosted staff from Abingdon, Bradfield, Pangbourne, The Oratory, Radley, St. Edward’s Oxford and Harriet House, providing an excellent opportunity for Moulsford to develop further links with schools that are very important to our families. At the November 2022 RAC lunch, there will be representation on my table from Cheltenham College, Eton, Harrow, Radley, Stowe, The Oratory and Wellington.

We so look forward to seeing many of the Pre-Prep parents at the opening of the new Pre-Prep on Tuesday, and later the same day Prep School parents at the Summer Concert, followed by Prize Giving on Wednesday.

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