Inter-House Triathlon

Going for gold in rowing, swimming and running

Last Friday marked the seventh annual Moulsford Inter-House Triathlon, which took place in glorious sunshine. All the boys from Years 3 to 8 enjoyed a fun afternoon, competing in heats of up to eight, to earn points for their house.  The event consisted of rowing on the ergos (with the distance adjusted for each age group), swimming between two and four lengths of the pool and running a lap of the front field.  Wearing the colours of red for Amundsen, blue for Bering, green for Cabot and yellow for Drake, the boys had a lot of vocal support from their teammates. We were also delighted to be welcome back spectators this year who added their cheers to those of the boys.

Every boy’s individual result contributed to the overall final score for each house but there could only be one winner……congratulations to Bering who were victorious!

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