My Boarding Top Ten

Barney R, Head of Boarding

1) Favourite Meal 

Roast Dinners on Wednesday evenings after matches as they are always freshly made and delicious.

2) Best Dorm

Hillary as it is a four person dorm - it has lots of space to store your clothes and it doesn’t get too hot in the summer or too cold in the winter.

3) Best Activity

In Summer it is great to use the cricket nets in the evening and in the Winter, favourites are definitely the Torch Game and indoor football.

4) Best Night To Board

Definitely Thursdays for Year 8s as it is tuck night and we get to watch a movie. The other nights are equally as good as each other though so it doesn’t really matter which night you board.

5) Best Tutor Group Activity

Master Chef as it is lots of fun and it’s really enjoyable with all the different year groups learning new skills. 


During Prep the teachers are always there to help you with any prep if you need help. Work hard in the week and then you often find you don’t have too much to do at the weekends.

7) Tidiness

Keep your dorm tidy because if you win it enough times, you get to go on a dorm trip and they are always really good.

8) Parties

Events like the Christmas Party and Summer BBQ are always great fun and give us the chance to celebrate the end of term.

9) Facilities (in the house)

Before bed it is great to relax in the Common Room or Games Room to play some pool or do some cooking.

10) Mixed year groups

Being able to mix with boys from different year groups is really nice and gives you a chance to get to know more people.

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