We are very aware that Lockdown 2 will pose considerable challenges both personally and professionally for many parents and families. We hope it is of reassurance to you that your boys’ lives at Moulsford will continue with a relative degree of normality over the next four weeks. We (the Moulsford staff) feel extremely fortunate that we are able to continue to educate your boys during this period, when many in the country are unable to work.
I think we’d all agree that some of the colour and variety has gone out of life recently. It felt very strange not to be marking Bonfire Night as we would normally do, and Halloween had a different feel to it this year. The boys have worked extremely hard in the classroom so far this term and we have been thinking carefully how to keep everyone fresh as we progress through November and December. Having events to look forward to is so important, and the Heads of Year are busy planning some fun activities for the boys which may take them off timetable for a short period.
Reception had a particularly fun morning today with a visit from ‘Crocodiles of the World’, with the marquee providing the perfect venue for the boys’ first introduction to the reptile world. We’ve written plenty of risk assessments in our time, but a combination of Covid and crocodiles will take some beating!
Today we hosted an Anti-Bullying Virtual Reality Workshop for Year 4 and Year 5 as a precursor to Anti Bullying Week (w/b 16th November). This workshop encouraged boys and teachers to witness, dissect and negotiate a typical scenario to help decrease bullying behaviour.
Year 3 will be spending Wednesday 18th November at Forest School for an action packed day linked to the Year 3 Curriculum. Boys will develop their ideas for poems about Autumn, learn about Mayan cooking and create their very own Mayan pottery. We’ll be in touch shortly about exciting plans for other year groups.