VE Day Celebrations
Virtual Moulsford Whole School

Moulsford Community Enjoys VE Day

Last weekend was the commemoration of VE Day and 75 years since Churchill announced that the war was over.  The day was supposed to be full of street parties and celebrations but with the lockdown still in place, people had to come up with more inventive ways to enjoy the day, whilst continuing to remain socially distant, and the Moulsford community did a great job of celebrating.

Jools B in Year 7 created a video featuring his own World War II summary with a couple of thoughts on strategy changes that could have altered the outcome. You can watch his video here.

The Stephens family created an 8-foot flag from a sheep wool bag with sheep dye spray paints, which they put up on their village green. They put a bucket under the flag and the villagers made donations. They collected £350, which is to be split between the NHS and the Royal British Legion. A success all round.

The Humphreys family also hung a giant flag out of their window and lots of the boys got involved by creating bunting at home to hang from their windows.  Zachary in Year 2 made large signs for his garden and ate cake, scones and donuts with tea and lemonade.  The Beardmore-Gray’s also had afternoon tea in the courtyard with neighbours and we have heard about lots of picnics in the garden, socially distant street parties and singing with neighbours from afar.  We were certainly lucky with the fabulous sunny weather and hope that everyone was able to enjoy the day safely.

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