Head's Blog: Independence and virtual learning | News | Moulsford Prep School
Head's Blog Virtual Moulsford

It has been a learning week for everyone - boys, staff and parents - as families adjust to home learning at both Virtual Moulsford and other schools. My three children (in Years 10, 12 & 13) are, of course, all studying from home, and this week our household has slipped into a routine which works for all of us. But there is no denying that it’s different, and that we’re meeting new challenges and learning every day.

As has been the case in our home, it is clear that Moulsford parents and pupils enormously value contact time between boys and staff. Interestingly and perhaps unsurprisingly, Moulsford boys have taken great reassurance from simply knowing that staff are there to give help if needed, even if they don’t always need or take advantage of the assistance. This simply reflects human nature and emphasises the strength and importance of relationships and community. One of the great skills of teaching (and parenting) is nurturing independence in children to allow them to solve issues and learn themselves. Ultimately, this leads to them standing on their own two feet as adults, which is what we are all aiming to achieve.

The main issues, which we have encountered this week, have been of a technical nature. We understand that there is great pressure on broadband services not just in individual households but also across the region. As a result, we are pushing out any learning materials in as user-friendly way as possible. Apologies that this morning’s assembly was late – this was due to internet issues. SpaceX’s launch of Falcon 9 from Cape Canaveral on Wednesday evening may help the situation. The rocket was spotted above Moulsford roughly fifteen minutes after take-off, and an hour later sixty new satellites were seen in the Oxfordshire sky. More on this at Monday’s assembly.


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