Head's Blog: Developing Resilience
Head's Blog

On Tuesday, I was fortunate enough to attend the annual Charity Summer Lunch, along with 323 other guests. While this is not a school event, Moulsford provides the venue and helps to ensure its smooth running. I took a table of Senior School registrars and it was a wonderful opportunity for me to show the school and the Moulsford community in a fantastic light, while also fundraising for two very worthwhile causes, Macmillan and Child Bereavement UK. Victoria Milligan was the guest speaker and she gave an inspirational message, one which is entirely in tune with Moulsford’s aim to develop boys’ resilience to help them cope in times of adversity in life. That said, let’s hope none of us ever have to go through the anguish which Victoria and her family experienced.  Please click here for the news story.

Activities Week, which has just finished, was enjoyed by all boys from Reception through to Year 8. The week is designed to foster different skills in the boys and to encourage them to step out of their comfort zones, and develop resilience. Boys up to Year 4 enjoyed activities at Moulsford, including time on the river. All of Year 4 also had the opportunity to spend one night in the boarding house which gave the year group a really good feel for boarding life.  Year 5 were at a PGL centre in Wiltshire from Wednesday to Friday, taking part in all kinds of different and fun activities. Year 6 have spent the week honing their French language skills in Normandy, while Year 7 scaled various peaks in Snowdonia. Year 8 have had an exciting week undertaking outward bound activities in Devon. Well done to all the boys for everything that they have achieved this week and thank you to all the staff involved, whether on or off site.


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