Head's Blog: Go Go Go Joseph
Head's Blog

This week sees four evening performances of the Year 7 Play, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. With a year group of 52 boys, Mr. Edwards (the Director) decided to double cast the play so that the opportunities for boys to play the lead parts are doubled, and the majority of boys have two different roles over the four nights. All boys are involved on every night. I so enjoyed last night’s performance and am much looking forward to seeing an alternative cast in action tonight.

Running a production in this fashion is brilliant for the boys, but also creates very significant additional work for Mr. Edwards and his team, particularly the Musical Directors (Mr. Bissell and Miss. Moore). I am extremely grateful to Mr. Edwards for thinking laterally and ensuring that all boys benefit from the experience of involvement in a large scale production. Inclusivity and breadth of opportunity are principles we endeavour to roll out in all aspects of school life.

Many congratulations go to Thomas A and Ben P who have gained Specialist Awards in Design & Technology from Cokethorpe for entry into Year 9.

We received the news this week that Old Mole Charlie Bradbury has been appointed Head Boy of Wellington College for 2019-2020. Charlie follows in the footsteps of fellow old boys, Toby Hargrove and Toby McLaughlin who have been Head Boys of Marlborough and St. Edward’s, Oxford respectively this year. Well done to all three boys!

And finally…………. I am sure that many Moulsford parents have been following the Brexit talks with great interest, as a number of you appear to be heading for the continent on 29th March.  How thoughtful of the EU to extend the deadline so as not to disrupt your travel plans. Bon voyage!


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