Head's Blog: Broadening The Boys' Interest
Head's Blog

The extracurricular side of Moulsford life is of huge importance, with the key aims of the Activities Programme being: to broaden boys’ interests by presenting them with many diverse opportunities; to nurture and develop their talents; and to boost self-esteem and self-confidence. There is also a very strong link between fulfilment and achievement on the extracurricular front, and strong academic performance in the classroom. Likewise, nurturing interests and hobbies in these formative years, which may develop into lifelong passions, gives the boys a wonderful legacy from prep school, upon which they can draw throughout their lives.

Please click here for details of the Moulsford Activities Programme for the Spring term 2019. There is a very wide array of clubs for boys on offer, and all boys should be able to choose activities which will enthuse them. Please remember that we are very keen that boys step outside their normal comfort zones, and we would encourage them to try something a bit different. The Moulsford Award is designed to encourage this with boys required to receive a full set of credits in five different categories to achieve the overall award. The categories are: Healthy Living, Performance and the Arts, Self-Development, Community/Service and Adventure.

My thanks to Chris Symonds (Director of Activities) who does a wonderful job coordinating the programme for your boys. Those parents who have been involved with the school for a while will know that the extracurricular activities have been very significantly enhanced since September 2017. The key to keeping it fresh is a thorough review on a termly basis.

The deadline for signing up for next term’s activities is midnight on Monday 3rd December. Full details on how to do so (via Schools Buddy) can be found in the first item of “The Week Ahead”.


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