A poignant service
A poignant and moving Remembrance Day service was held on Friday in the theatre led this year by our Year 8 boys. Attended by the whole school, this act of Remembrance clearly struck a chord with both boys and staff.
The theme was very much centred around the 100-year anniversary of the end of the 1st World War, with an emphasis on Freedom. The school was reminded, through readings, powerful photographic images and performances from both the Junior and Senior Choirs, that the freedom we enjoy today is a direct result of the many, many lives lost, in its pursuit, during the last century.
The service ended, unusually, outside on the front lawn, where the whole school congregated around 100 of the poppies created by school for the Arts Week exhibition in October. When Year 3 had finished planting the poppies, a minute’s silence was observed, then broken by two trumpeters playing the Last Post. The Lord’s Prayer concluded the service, which seemed all the more poignant for being in the open air.
Our thanks to the History department for the planning, to Mr Cutting for preparing the trumpeters, and to the Music Department for putting together such a moving and memorable Remembrance Day Service.