Moulsfest, which took place last Saturday, was a huge success. It was wonderful to see the community pulling together to raise significant funds for two excellent causes. Thank you to all of you who attended the event, and it was so good to see boys from all year groups enjoying the various activities and entertainment on offer. Enormous thanks go to Sam Pritchard and her team who did an amazing job in organising such a great afternoon. Well done also to the Year 7 & 8 boys who, on the same afternoon, undertook a sponsored kayak to raise money for the South Africa Rugby tour. We are also very grateful to Mr. Griffiths and Mr. Symonds for spending the afternoon on the river with the boys, encouraging them to complete their goal.
Not content with seeing their Headmaster in the stocks, I know a number of boys will enjoy watching me attempt the Moulsford Mudder on Sunday. This is always a super occasion, and the perfect opportunity to get covered in mud and raise funds for charity at the same time!