Moulsford’s First Apple Day is a Tremendous Success!
On Tuesday 3rd October, members of the Moulsford Parents Association eagerly awaited delivery of what they were hoping would be a bumper crop of apples. Parents were asked to drop off their unwanted but usable fruit so that the first batch of Moulsford Apple Juice could be created. It is fair to say that the response from parents was nothing short of spectacular!
Cars arrived and dropped off buckets and baskets full of fruit which were then transported to Pasture Farm Juice to be prepped, juiced and bottled in time to be sold at the Moulsford Christmas Fair on 9th December. We are expecting over 200 bottles of this unique and personalised juice to be made so look out for it on sale in December!
The fantastic idea of an Apple Day was suggested to the MPA by a Moulsford parent. We are always happy to hear your ideas for events or fundraising initiatives so please feel free to contact [email protected] at any time.
An enormous thank you to everyone who brought in their apples on Tuesday. We are also extremely grateful to both Roger Bosley and Robert Crabbe (the landlords of the school's playing fields) who allowed the collection to take place by the railway line.
Moulsford Parents Association