Amazing Array of Activities

Autumn Term Activities have been fun and varied

It has been fantastic to see the boys trying out so many different and varied options in the first half of term, having fun and developing skills along the way.

In Origami, they have been learning how to turn a single piece of paper into, well, almost anything! This term the juniors have had lots of fun bringing animals to life, making hats and boats and even devices to tell your fortune.  The budding chefs in the Cooking Activity have been making cupcakes, pizzas and lots more delicious goodies which they then take home with them.  Kayaking has been very popular and it’s wonderful to see the boys gaining in confidence on the water as they set off upstream.  The boys have been enjoying taking a couple of old bikes apart in Bike Maintenance – let’s just hope they can put them back together again! 

This first half of term there have been lots of outside activities before the winter evenings draw in with the Buccaneers enjoying ‘Capture the Flag’ with flags they had designed and made; Archery has been hugely popular; Rugby Fit keeps those boys who love the oval ball happy whilst it’s still the Football season; and Running Games as well as Gymnastics have improved the boys’ fitness and agility.

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