Macmillan Summer Lunch 2017
Charity Pastoral

£20k raised for Macmillan Cancer Relief

The annual Macmillan Summer Lunch took place this week at Moulsford, raising in the region of an incredible £20,000 for the Henley and South Oxfordshire branch of Macmillan Cancer Relief.

Two hundred and fifty guests sat down to listen to Michelle Martin from Macmillan, who explained just how vital donations are to support Macmillan’s essential work.  Michelle was followed by our guest speaker, Marc Koska OBE, who talked passionately about his lifelong aim to stop the re-use of syringes, particularly in the developing world.  By reducing blood-borne infections being spread through the invention of a single-use syringe, his work has literally saved millions of lives.  The audience was captivated by his inspirational talk, and we are truly grateful to Marc for sharing his story.

A fantastic lunch was produced this year by caterer Kristina Stitt, with chocolate brownies to follow provided by the Moulsford catering team. 

Guests enjoyed shopping at a wide selection of high quality stalls, all set up around the sides of the marquee-lined sports hall.  With coffee and shopping open to all from 10am, many took advantage of the opportunity to buy gifts and unique items, in the knowledge that 10% of all takings by the stalls would be donated to Macmillan.

Thank you to parents and local businesses who donated such incredible prizes to the raffle and lots for the auction.  This included Cheryl George Photography, with Cheryl attending the event to take the photos.  Huge thanks to all our guests for so generously supporting the raffle and auction, in order to help us reach the stunning £20k total raised.

Many congratulations to the Henley and South Oxfordshire Macmillan committee for organising such a successful and enjoyable event.  We’re looking forward to next year already!

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