Head's Blog: Generosity of the Moulsford Community
Head's Blog Charity

As the term draws to a close, and the Christmas message encourages us to think of others, I would like to thank the Moulsford community for all that has been collectively achieved over recent months on the charitable front.  With plenty of individual events and a wide variety of charities supported, it is easy to lose sight of the overall picture, and there is no doubt that our efforts in 2016 have been exceptional – from boys, staff and parents.

Fundraising for the 2015/16 academic year resulted in a cheque for £7,000 being presented to local charity Blue Skye Thinking in October.  This impressive sum has a huge impact on their work in funding research into childhood brain tumours.

The Moulsford Annual Sporting lunch in November at the RAC in London raised a total of £9,400 – an increase on the sum initially reported of £8,000 – for the mental health charity YoungMinds.  The significance of the latest statistics of mental health issues among young people must not be underestimated, and as a school we are determined to create a learning environment in which the emotional wellbeing of our pupils and development of resilience are prioritised.

We have already raised a significant amount for this year’s chosen charities, Style Acre and Mary’s Meals.  The Moulsford Mudder raised an impressive £1100, and the pennies from the Mary’s Meals blue mugs have already raised nearly £700.  The Moulsford staff have been playing their part too, with Chris Symonds completing an impressive double marathon in September to raise £475 for Mary’s Meals. This is a great start, with many more events in the pipeline for 2017.

Remembrance Day saw further funds raised with £400 donated to the Poppy Appeal, and there was a huge response to the Sal’s Shoes collection of outgrown and unwanted footwear, with around 450 pairs of shoes and boots donated by Moulsford to those in need around the world.

Finally, our very own Parents Association has raised impressive funds of over £7,000 this term alone, through the Headmaster’s Quiz night, Bonfire Night, cake sales and early sales of Christmas cards.  This money is ploughed back into the school for the benefit of the boys, with input from both boys and parents as to how it is spent. 

With the MPA Christmas Fair to look forward to tomorrow, I would like to thank the Moulsford community for organising and supporting our events so generously.


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