Assembly with SKRUM
It was a real pleasure to host Michael Collinson and his wife Linda, who set up the charity Skrum in Swaziland, and agreed to come to Moulsford to give an assembly. They founded the charity in 2008 and they have reached over 650 schools in Swaziland. The aim of Skrum is to use rugby to attract children and then to take time to educate them about AIDS and what the children can do to help themselves. Their slogan is 'pass the ball not the virus'.
Moulsford enjoyed hosting 10 boys and 2 staff from Swaziland last October. The boys came from Estejeni Primary School and we actually managed to visit that school when on tour at the end of July 2016. It was great to see them in their own homes and to have some incredibly friendly faces waiting to see us!
We presented Michael with a cheque for £7,500 for Skrum which was the sum raised by the SA Tour fund raising committee, for which he was incredibly grateful! Some of the money will be used for their new projects of water harvesting and buying and planting fruit trees for schools and communities.
We look forward to working again with Skrum in the future and hopefully to seeing Michael and Linda again soon.