Alfie at COP26
Eco activities

Young Climate Warriors

Alfie J from Year 8 visited COP26 earlier this week along with his mother Katrina who runs ‘Young Climate Warriors.’ They had a fantastic visit and Alfie took part in a number of exciting activities:

  • He met Inna Modja - a singer from Mali who has produced a film raising awareness of the Great Green Wall project.
  • He saw a ‘polar ice’ exhibit - an ice core from 1765 - highlighting change in composition of our air - and co2 concentrations.
  • He explored various projects through a VR headset, including ForestMakers where he saw the collecting of seeds and scattering to create new forests.
  • Enjoyed a walk across the Clyde to the Glasgow Science Centre hosting the ‘Green Zone’
  • Alfie also enjoyed exploring all of the different kinds of green vehicles on display including the first double decker hydrogen fuel cell buses, an electric - battery powered plane which can reach 300mph and to date make a short hop from London to Paris and a number of hydrogen fuel cell machines.

Whilst there they also attended a number of talks. They heard about the British Arctic Survey expedition to Mount Everest to place the highest ever weather station on the Mount Everest balcony, and collect ice cores from the glaciers. All with the aim of understanding impact of climate change on this mountain region, and therefore to help predict future impacts.

They also went to a great talk by Sainsburys on all elements of their business where they are taking steps to help lower their carbon emissions and a talk by Hitachi about the use of technology and data processing to aid with the prevention of deforestation

It was a fascinating trip and exciting to be part of something so important.


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