Sustainability Update
Eco activities

Ideas into Practice

Like with any new initiative, the idea and the launch is the easy part, but maintaining the momentum, educating the boys and implementing all of the many changes is now the challenge. Year 7 and 8 all took part in the COP26 live lesson last Friday which certainly gave them some food for thought.

I have also started doing a fortnightly focus within school; the first of these being food waste. This involved sending information out to form heads about what the focus is and why it is important. They then shared this with their classes. I am also running a competition alongside this to design some posters to promote less food waste, which will be used in the dining areas. All of the relevant information about the focus and the competitions is on google classroom for the boys to access as and when they can.

The Eco Prefects have had their first meeting and are coming up with some great ideas about how to tackle some of our trickier issues.... for example, we are hoping to buy 2 large weighing scales for the dining room so that boys can see the impact of their waste...they may even be some reward for reducing it significantly in the future! Look out for next week's focus on vampire eyes.......!

On Thursday I was delighted to present our vision to Moulsford parents, alongside Katrina Judge and Molly Symonds from Young Climate Warriors. Young Climate Warriors, as you may have seen in the Week Ahead is about fun, age-appropriate carbon-busting weekly challenges. These challenges provide background related information - drawing attention to entrepreneurs, innovators and global and local initiatives. Making small changes as Young Climate Warriors can embed sustainable habits for life, as well helping to influence families and friends and ultimately help change what could be termed our ‘social norms’.

If you take nothing else away from the work we are all doing, just remember to ‘TALK ABOUT IT – it’s the most important thing you can do to fight climate change’

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