Parents Association Event a Huge Success
Last Friday almost 200 parents and staff enjoyed the hugely popular Headmaster’s Quiz, organised by the Moulsford Parents Association. This year’s event was filled with wine, delicious food and a good dose of fun and competitive spirit! The question rounds were varied with some traditional Sport, Music and General Knowledge questions, as well as an observation round which took us all back to 2012 and the London Olympics!
Mr Springer and Mr Skinner kept track of the scores, ably assisted by some Year 8 boys and it was a nail-biting finish with very few points between the top-scoring teams.
However, there could be only one winner and this year the Year 8 parents (TBA) were victorious!
Thank you to everyone involved in the organisation of the event: the grounds staff and MPA volunteers who set up the Sports Hall ready for the event, the Moulsford staff and MPA volunteers who operated the bar, the Year 8 boys who did a great job collecting the answer sheets, and to the kitchen staff for a truly delicious curry and chocolate brownies!
We hope that everyone had a fun evening and learnt some useful facts along the way!