Don Macpherson and Cath Bishop
Our last two High Performance Lunchtime talks have been with Don Macpherson and Cath Bishop. Don is a respected mind coach who talked about the importance of really listening to others and making the most of your opportunities.
Cath is a former Olympian, Diplomat and is now a business coach. She talked about how we need to worry less about outcomes and think more about the processes involved in getting there. She also talked about the importance of developing meaningful connections with people.
Both Don and Cath have written excellent books and the links are included below.
Don- https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/111/1119909/how-to-master-your-monkey-mind/9781787633575.html
Cath- https://cathbishop.com/the-long-win/
We are looking forward to welcoming some more excellent speakers next term in this hugely popular series.