Remembrance Day 2021
Whole School

World War 2 and The Commonwealth

A thought provoking and moving Remembrance Day service was held on Friday in the Sports Hall, led this year by several readers whose families have ties with countries of The Commonwealth. 

The Anzacs were represented by Hort W, Patrick R and Alex and Harry K. We also learnt from Steven T about how the war affected the Afro/Caribbean countries, with particular reference to the 'Black Poppy', which was introduced in 2010, and is now synonymous with African, Caribbean and Pacific Island communities. Russell F talked about the South African point of view. Finally, Sam and Sri G and Keyaan G remembered the sacrifice made by Muslim nations.

There were also contributions by the  junior and senior Choirs, and a rendition of 'Bring Him Home' from Les Miserables by Billy V. Attended by the whole school, this act of Remembrance clearly struck a chord with both boys and staff.

After the traditional one-minute’s silence, James D gave a very confident and moving rendition of ‘The Last Post’. Our thanks to the History Department for the planning, to Mr Cutting for preparing James, and to the Music Department for putting together such a moving and memorable Remembrance Day Service.

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