Year 8 Panto

Hilarious performance of Aladdin

Panto arrived at Moulsford once again this week. The boys in the Year 8 Panto Activity have been hard at work all term rehearsing their portrayal of Aladdin.  As with most things this term, there have been some obstacles thrown in our way and sadly at the last minute Aladdin and Abanazer (the baddie) were unable to perform. Fortunately, the stand-ins were ready (including a certain Deputy Head) and with the words 'the show must go on!' it did. The compact cast of 5 managed to retell the story of Aladdin to West End standards! (Oh yes they did!).

As ever the boys taking part loved every minute of performing it and it seemed that through the virtual streaming to the classrooms that all the boys watching loved it too. Well done to all involved.

Roll on next year!! 

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