Head's Blog: Life in a virtual world
Head's Blog

This new virtual world has been a steep learning curve for us all, and we continued to learn in preparation for Moulsford’s first ever Virtual Open Day held last Saturday. Using the Zoom platform, we broadcast a live webinar for just over an hour, with a mix of presentations from myself, Tiffany Squire (Deputy Head-Academic), Jim Hamilton-Smith (Deputy Head-Pastoral), Sabrina McMann  (Head of Pre-Prep) and our Registrar,  Jill Morrin. These were followed by a live Q & A session, which also featured Jaimie Noble (Head of Boarding) and Annabel Bush (Head of Learning Support) on the panel. 

For a first-time event, we were really pleased with how things ran and we have had some excellent feedback from guests, although as ever we are keen to improve and have identified aspects to develop.  If you would like to see the event, click here for a recording.  Although it is quite long, there are timed sections so you can jump to each to get a flavour of the Open Day. If you have any comments, please do feed them back to [email protected]

Usually the boys show parents around for Open Days, as they are always the School’s greatest ambassadors. We wanted to make sure that prospective parents didn’t miss out on this, so we recorded a group of Year 8 boys 'in conversation' with Jim Hamilton-Smith. The boys were totally unscripted and natural and gave some insightful, informative and reflective comments and answers. The video was made in-house and in a short time frame, so it was a slightly different style of production, but we think it really helped to capture the boys’ thoughts about Moulsford and we are very grateful for their involvement. You can view the video by clicking here


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