Henley Literary Festival
Talks and Assemblies Pre-Prep

Years 5 and 6 listen to Katherine Rundell

As part of the virtual Henley Literary Festival, Years 5 and 6 listened to a question and answer session with award-winning local author, Katherine Rundell. She explored why she started writing and what her inspirations were, going on to explain how books that she read between the ages of 8 and 14 had really shaped her view of the world. Her key message to the children was to write - even if it is "bad" writing they should write something and be prepared to edit it into something better. Bad writing is always better than no writing! Katherine spent three months writing her latest book, The Good Thieves, and then eighteen months editing it about 27 times until she had the finished product. We have copies of Katherine's books in the school library if boys are interested in reading her adventure stories.


Just who ate all of the food in the cupboards and drank all of the water in the tap?!

This week the whole of Pre-Prep enjoyed listening to Russell Brand and his wife Laura reading the classic book by Judith Kerr, ‘The Tiger who Came to Tea’.  The Henley Children’s Literary Festival, who have kindly battled on in difficult circumstances to ensure that there was a virtual offering from the festival this year, screened this virtually into schools across Oxfordshire.

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