This week marked 100 days since lockdown and it is fair to say that the last few months have challenged and changed us all. We talk a lot about the importance of developing resilience in the boys and this term has really put that to the test. We have had to learn, change and adapt quickly, and I have no doubt that we will all emerge from the experience stronger as a result.
Like everyone else, I have had to learn to embrace change and upskill swiftly. I have become reasonably proficient on Zoom/GoogleMeet, having held numerous parent and staff meetings through a virtual medium. We are shortly filming a virtual tour so that we can showcase the school in different ways to prospective parents. At this time of year we usually welcome new boys and parents into school for induction days but this term we have had to find new ways of introducing boys to their new classmates and teachers, all aided by technology. However as we all know, nothing beats Moulsford on a sunny day and we look forward to welcoming the whole Moulsford community back on site as soon as we can.
Moulsford’s Got Talent is always one of the highlights of the school year and the staff were very keen to go ahead, despite the obvious limitations. It took a huge amount of adaptation, effort, creativity, planning and desire to create a virtual version and I hope that many of you were able to enjoy the event last Friday evening. Thank you to Mrs. Lancaster and her team for driving this forward and to Max Tilney and Talefin for the excellent production and live broadcast.
As we approach the final week of term, our attention has turned to delivering a virtual Prize Day on Wednesday, with the focus on the Year 8 leavers, but also for all boys and parents to enjoy. Leaving Prep School is a very important event for both boys and their parents, and we are delighted that we are able to mark it properly for them, if not perhaps in the usual manner.