Parents and boys will have received today in the Week Ahead the wide array of activity choices for the summer term. This excellent programme ties in with the Moulsford Award (for boys in Years 3 – 8), which is reaching its first cycle of completion. The Award encourages boys to choose a broad range of activities, and to push themselves outside of their normal comfort zone. To gain the Moulsford Award takes a minimum of four terms (in the Autumn term, there are two activity choices), as boys must have completed activities to a high standard in each of the following disciplines:
- Healthy Living
- Performance and the Arts
- Self Development
- Community & Service
- Adventure/Challenge
In Tuesday’s assembly, Mr. Symonds talked through the choices for the Summer term and highlighted the importance of trying activities which boys may not normally gravitate to. We were also delighted to announce Harry T in Year 6 as the very first boy to successfully complete the Moulsford Award. Well done, Harry! Thank you to Mr. Symonds for co-ordinating this excellent programme and for the staff whose passions and enthusiasm for their activities transfer to the boys.
Parents will be very aware of the ongoing situation regards Coronavirus. We continue to be guided by Public Health England advice. In the event that Moulsford closes either prior to the end of this term, or we do not open at the beginning of next term, parents should be reassured that we have clear and detailed plans for boys to continue their academic studies from home. Specific details will be sent out when necessary, but as a brief summary:
- Boys in Years 3 – 8 will be set work through Google classroom. This method of teaching/communication/marking between staff and boys is already very well established at Moulsford. To aid this, boys in Year 4 - 8 will be able to take home their school iPads.
- Boys in the Pre-Prep will have work/activities regularly emailed to their parents, linking to the curriculum that would have been delivered in class.
- Staff will be available during normal school hours to respond to boys (and parents) via email.
Our thoughts are with all those affected by COVID-19 during these unprecedented times, and we hope all in the Moulsford community stay well.