MPA Disco
Parents Association Prep

Another Sell Out Disco

On Friday night, 255 children danced the night away in the transformed Moulsford sports hall with a live DJ. 130 of our Year 6, 7 and 8 Moulsford boys enjoyed the company of girls from Rupert House, St Helen and St Katharine and Cranford House for the annual MPA disco.

One popular amusement for the boys and girls was a photo booth, which had a queue all night and lots of games of rock, paper, scissors to see who got to keep the final picture!  The children loved having the opportunity to choose a year group song, which got everyone on the dancefloor.  However, the highlight for many was the final song ‘Old Town Road’, which saw a number of boys being held aloft by their friends.  A fitting end to a fun disco!

The Disco team would like to send a massive thanks to all the Moulsford staff involved and the parents who helped on the night, we could not have done it without you.

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