Head's Blog: Communicating effectively
Head's Blog

Communicating effectively with both individuals and groups is a great life skill, and the earlier children gain confidence in this area, the better. At Moulsford we aim to achieve this in a number of different ways. The London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art (LAMDA) programme is extremely popular and allows boys to develop their acting and public speaking skills. I had great pleasure in handing out dozens of certificates at Tuesday’s assembly to boys (from Years 2-8) who had achieved LAMDA grades. For more information on LAMDA, please look out for the Summer Term activities programme, which will be launched shortly.

Towards the end of March, Year 7 will be performing Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Ash Edwards (the Director) has worked hard to ensure that all boys are very involved in the production, which will run over three nights. Giving boys different experiences in the dramatic arts is so important, and this production will be promenade style, meaning that the audience will follow the actors to different venues, rather than being based solely in the theatre. Meanwhile in Year 8, a new venture as part of the Leavers’ programme will see the boys put on a play from start to finish in a week during the latter half of the Summer term.

Virtually all boys will have an interview when applying to their senior school. James Womersley and Veronica Gibbs, who are retired Heads of Beaudesert Park and the Dolphin Prep Schools respectively, give boys interview preparation and practice as their visits approach. The Moulsford curriculum is also designed to allow boys plenty of opportunity to present their ideas and thoughts in alternative ways such as through class presentations, declamations or film. Well done to Harry M, Harry O, Hector B and Daniel O’B who represented Year 7 and 6 at the Demosthenes Public Speaking Competition at Bradfield yesterday.


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