Under 13 IAPS Hockey

1st XI travel to Cheltenham College

Last Friday, the 1st XI travelled down to Cheltenham College to take part in the IAPS regional tournament. The boys have been practising hard for the last couple of weeks during their extra sessions on a Thursday night and were well prepared going into this tournament. 

Our first match was a tough one against Dean Close Prep who played some excellent, quick and skilful hockey. The boys did extremely well and put up a good fight, never letting their heads go down. Our next match against The Downs was probably where we played our best hockey and the amount of skill and movement off the ball was very impressive from everyone. It was a very close match against The Beacon and we were unlucky not to put away a couple of goals; there was a real team spirit on the pitch with everyone putting in their all. 

There are so many positives to take forward from the day as we come into our hockey season and it is an exciting time to come! Well done boys and thank you for all of your hard work and commitment. 

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