Raising money for Inspire
Charity South Africa Tour

Charlie H runs the Henley 10K

At the beginning of half term, Charlie H, Deputy Head Boy, completed the Henley 10K. He took up this challenge to raise funds for our international charity, Inspire, and was determined to finish despite the pouring rain. He did the run in just under an hour, which was a real personal achievement, as he has never run that distance before. What a terrific inspiration you are Charlie and so wonderful to see you smiling at the end, well done!

Charlie raised a brilliant total of £370 for Inspire and he can’t wait to see the charity’s work in action when he goes to South Africa at Easter. The physical challenge is one element but to have chosen to support Inspire and to have raised significant funds on their behalf is heartwarming and what charity at Moulsford is all about. Charlie is a credit to the Moulsford Community and we are hugely grateful to him for supporting Inspire in this way and to his family for encouraging his endeavours.

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