Boarders' BBQ
Parents Event Pastoral

A lovely way to end the year

The boarding community enjoyed a lovely evening on Monday to mark the end of the 2018-2019 year. A fantastic barbecue was, as ever, laid on by our wonderful catering staff, with boys, siblings, parents and staff all enjoying the spread, before a highly entertaining game of rounders ensued. A game that must have been close to a world record for the highest ever number of participants was full of laughs, particularly when fathers and sons locked horns as pitcher and batsman. The boarders then had a variety of activities to complete the evening, including a camp fire, a pool party and some Laser Tag for the Year 8s. 

2018-2019 has seen more Moulsford boys than ever involved in the Boarding House in one way or another, whether through trial boarding, day boarding, or regular boarding and numbers for September once again look very healthy. For further information about the Moulsford boarding offering, please do contact Mr Noble - [email protected]

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