Head's Blog: Hit the ground running
Head's Blog

At the first assembly of the term on Wednesday, I stressed to the boys the importance of hitting the ground running on the academic front. The temptation can be for them to spend a couple of days readjusting to school life. However, before the boys know it, half term will be upon us, as will various exams and assessments.  At the other extreme, another potential trap for boys to fall into is to think that academic work is all they need to focus on. In observing schoolchildren (and adults!) over the past 20 years, I have noticed that those who are ultimately most fulfilled and successful tend to be busy in many different areas of life. This not only helps them to prioritise their time, but also keeps them fresh.

Likewise, it is important for the staff to remain fresh. The day before the start of term, 20 of us undertook Stand-Up Paddleboard training on Bray Lake, near Maidenhead. This was a rescheduled outing for us, as we had to postpone in March due to a frozen lake – what a difference a few weeks make.  Not content with our standard issue single paddle boards, we upgraded to a larger version which allowed for plenty of opportunity at developing teamwork skills. The younger members of staff took the bow position which enabled them to test the temperature of the water.


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