Head's Blog: Snow & Adversity
Head's Blog

The cold snap is behind us and my chickens are especially grateful. They didn’t venture out of their hutch for several days! Last week, daily life in the school continued as normal until Friday, with the games programme requiring the most flexibility. Cross-country became the order of the day in the snowy and frozen conditions. In my eleven years as a Head, I have never closed the school, but in the end Thursday evening & Friday’s forecast made this a fairly simple decision.  Apologies for the late delivery of this Weekly Roundup as a result.

What a difference a week makes, and how quickly the snow melted away. Tomorrow’s assembly will be on this theme. Snow, rain and adverse conditions will come and go, and we need to weather our way through them to sunnier climes.  Likewise, when we hit adversity in school life and we can’t see a way through, we need to remember to take one step at a time and keep persevering.


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