Old Moles News
Old Moles

British Schoolboys' International Ski Championships

The British Schoolboys' International Ski Races in Wengen are attended by more than 60 of the UK’s top sporting schools, as well as other European based international schools pursuing the British curriculum. These include Wellington, Millfield, Harrow, Sherborne, Dulwich, Tonbridge, Eltham, Stowe, Charterhouse, Marlborough, Glenalmond and many others, as well as a strong team from Reed’s, who run a specialist ski racing academy, and Aiglon, the international ski-centric school based in Villars, Switzerland.

There are races in the two major disciplines, giant slalom on the first day and slalom on the second. At the senior level, a race is based on the combined time of two runs, both of which must be finished without missing a gate.

Old Mole Cosmo O, now 16 and at Wellington College, managed to win the gold medal and championship cup in the Under 18 Giant Slalom on the first day and then bronze in the Under 18 Slalom on day two. The Wellington A team finished just second to Reeds A.

Cosmo is in the Snowsport England squad and has finished four out of his first seven senior international (FIS) races representing Great Britain this season.

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