Head's Blog: E-Safety
Head's Blog

Parents often tell me that their boys are much more proficient than them when it comes to Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Parents! Here is your chance to catch up, and even stay one step ahead of your children!

At 5.00pm on Tuesday 30 January, Alan Mackenzie, an E-Safety Adviser, will be presenting an E-Safety Workshop for Parents.  This workshop is suitable for any parents in the school, no matter how old your son is. We hope to see representation from Reception to Year 8 - it is never too soon (or too late!) to start to educate your child (and yourself!) about online safety. To sign up for this course, please click here. For details about Alan MacKenzie click here. During the day, Alan will also present E–safety workshops to all boys in Years 6, 7 & 8.

E-Safety runs throughout every stage of the Moulsford  ICT curriculum, and in Year 8 there is a focus on Digital Citizenship which covers, amongst other things, the legalities of certain online behaviour, how to ensure a positive 'Digital Footprint', and dealing with Cyberbullying. 

We recognise that the boys will live in a world in which technology will play a central role. We are advocates of educating them in the uses, applications and pitfalls of ICT and on-line behaviour at an early stage. The most important thing that parents can do is to create a culture where open dialogue in the family exists, particularly as they may know more than you! It is important for parents to be aware of what their child is doing, and children need to feel that they can go to adults if they have problems without fear of being told off – just like any aspect of parenting!

Another ICT related date for your diaries is Friday 26 January at 8.30am, when Laura Wood will be presenting a course for parents on “Social Media Basics”. For those of you who do not know how to “tweet” or are unfamiliar with Facebook etc, this is the course for you. Laura is a parent in Year 4 and is the Parents’ Association Communications rep. Please email the office if you are planning to attend so we know numbers for catering. All talks will be in the theatre.


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